Friday, April 15, 2011

Pretty, Pretty Bowls

My friend is getting ready to pack up her house for a big move and she had a few things she didn't want to take along.  So she gave me these sweet little bowls.  Her parents got them in a trade with a family in Germany sometime in the mid-late 40's or early 50's.  I just love them!  They look so sweet and spring-y!  (Thank you, my friend! ! ! ! )  I have been searching online for information on them.

So far, I haven't had as much luck as I had hoped.  Although, I am very much leaning towards believing they are from the von Schierholz factory in Germany, which has been producing porcelain since 1817 in the town of Plaue in Thuringia.  I did find a bowl online that is very, very similar to the ones she gave me.  The makers marks are very close, but not quite the same.

This is the one I found on the internet (it has fewer flowers around the rim than mine, but otherwise, they appear to be the same):

This is the maker's mark on the back of it:

And, these are the ones I have:

And the mark on the back:

Here is a closer look:

In the lower right corner, there appears to be a 6564 stamped and just below that an 8 and then right where the bottom curves up, there is a small 2.  The other one appears to have the same markings minus the little 2, but the 8 is very faint, even more faint than on this one.

The crown and shield appear to be the same on both the one found on the internet and mine, but mine do not have the name von Shierholz on them, and the "handmalerei" notation (German for hand-painted) is in a different text/font style.  It appears there are many variations on the makers marks for this company based on the number of different ones I found on the web, but none are quite like the one I have.  The one above is the closest I've found so far.

I would love to know when they were made and if they are, in fact, von Schierholz.  One of these days I may take them with me to an antique shop and see if anyone can help me on this.  In the meantime, is there anybody out there who can shed any light on them for me?  I'd really appreciate help you might be able to offer me! 

Thanks for taking a look and for any help you might be able to provide!  Talk to you soon!


  1. Very lovely plates! I agree with you take them to an antique market and see what you can find out. My sister is an antique dealer so I will have her check out your blog and see what she can find for you!
    Have a very Happy Easter

  2. Thanks for dropping by, Rosemary! I'd really appreciate any information your sister might have for me! My mom also mentioned that I should indicate the size, they are just over 7 1/2" in diameter across the top. Thanks for looking! ! !

  3. Hello I wanted to make you happy birthday
    GOOD EASTER, even to your family. .
    Susy x

  4. Thank you, Susy! I wish a very Happy Easter to you and your family as well!

  5. The gift for you has been very beautiful.The history of these dishes is a lot of interesante.I think that, Rosemary is more proper to help you.Also ,I will look some information for You, and I wish You luck in your search;Hugs from Anna

  6. Anna, thank you very much for looking and for checking this out for me! I appreciate any help anyone can give me! Baci!
