Monday, July 4, 2011

4th Strawberries

Well, I said I'd share if the strawberries I had planned came out like I'd hoped.  So, here they are!  Not quite what I had in mind, but pretty darned close!  Stylist, I am not, but I do try with my limited resources!  :-)  Wouldn't you know it, I made sure I had some lemon slices left over to grace the pitcher and glass, but guess what I forgot to add in my haste!  I didn't want the strawberries to melt in the hot sun!  And, it was quite warm again, today!  And, ice cubes.  *sigh* honestly, what was I thinking?  Would it have killed me to remember to add ice cubes and lemon slices?  And, . . . my ears of corn.  And, my veggie dogs. And, my flowers.  . . .  And, my pinwheels.  *sigh*  Note to self: do not apply for any photo stylist/photo shoot positions. . .

They didn't quite come out like I'd envisioned, but they nearly didn't come to be at all!  I thought I had some good white chocolate just waiting for these, but when I went to the fridge to get it out . . . well, what I thought I had was just not there!  I did run across some store brand white chocolate chunks, so I thought I'd give them a try, since it was all I had besides the dark chocolate and I didn't feel like braving the stores today.

It was a bit too thick just melted as it was, but I didn't really have anything to thin it with, so I decided to just go with it!  I dipped about a dozen strawberries and then let them cool on waxed paper in the fridge for a while.  Then added a couple of drops of blue food coloring to the chocolate and brought them back out for another dip in the pool and then returned them to the fridge to harden back up.  The chocolate pooled up on the wax paper and gave them all a bit of a ledge, but what a problem!  Too much chocolate, oh dear, WHAT. A. SHAME! ! !  ;-) tsk, tsk, tsk . . . you DO feel quite sorry for me, don't you?

I couldn't resist trying a couple and I had to admit, they were pretty delish!  Who cares if they didn't come out perfect!  They say it's the thought that counts . . . . right?  :-)

Hope you all had a great 4th!  Don't forget to grab a strawberry on your way out!  Yummm!


  1. Are you kidding me? Those strawberries look wonderful! Okay, great, now I'm hungry! Oh, and Happy 4th!

    Pat Hengen

  2. Don't go away hungry! Grab a couple! They really are good! I've polished off about half of them already! ;-)

  3. oh my gosh they're amazing! doesn't matter about the ledge - it meant they had a way to sit up just right! gorgeous and very creative!

  4. Thanks, Natasha! How sweet of you to drop by and find a good thing about my little chocolate ledges! :)

  5. Keep the strawberries coming. There is no such thing as not enough chocolate. Why did you salt the rim of your glass when drinking lemonade? I thought you salted the glass rim for margaritas?


  6. Hey, Dennis! I agree . . . chocolate is one of my main food groups! ! ! ;) (pssst . . . that's sugar on that thar rim!) I see you have new photos posted on your site! I'm going to have to head over to check them out! ! !
