Friday, October 7, 2011

Sad, Sad, Sad!


I have lots more pics to share of my trip . . . . however, I am sneaking this quick post in just to let you know . . . I have come home to no internet . . . AGAIN!  Verizon is sending me another modem, but I won't have it until sometime next week . . . .  :(

Also, Blogger is having issues with comments . . . they are supposedly working on it, but if you have tried to comment and don't see it, it's because of whatever issue they are having with it!  If you tried to comment in the last week or so, hopefully I'll be able to recover it when they get the issue fixed and I have access again!

I will still work on getting some posts ready for when I do get access again!  (I am stealing some internet time on my break at work right now!  shhhhhhh!  ;)

Hope you are all doing well and that I can get another post up sooooon! 


  1. Looking forward to the Holiday Posts! Yes we too are experiencing issues with comments. Big breath! Hoping your internet problems are also fixed quickly. Take Care SpecialK

  2. Ciao cara, mi dispiace che tu abbia
    problemi con il PC, speriamo che tutto si
    aggiusti! Grazie per il commento
    Un abbraccio
    Susy x
    P.S. io ci riesco a commentare!!
