Thursday, August 2, 2012

Peach Pie Heaven

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!  I don't know if you know Deb over at Smitten Kitchen, but she is getting me into lots and lots of trouble. I'd invite you to go visit her blog and order her cookbook as soon as it comes out, but then you'd hate me because you would somehow, inexplicably gain about a hundred pounds.  Instantly.  

My picture doesn't do the pie justice.  Go look at her pics, it will give you a better idea of this genius.

I followed her peach pie recipe, except I made a couple of mistakes. And, even with those mistakes, I'm pretty sure I have died and gone to heaven.  I don't really think I am still here on this earth at all. You could pinch me, just so I'd know, if you would be so kind . . .

You see, I didn't think the peaches I got at the farmer's market Sunday morning were quite ripe so I didn't work on my pie on Sunday, which would have been a much better day for me to attempt any kind of shenanigans in the kitchen.  No, no, I, in my infinite wisdom, thought I should put the peaches in a paper bag and wait a couple of days.

Well, as soon as I got home from work Monday, I discovered the peaches were NOT going to wait any longer to throw themselves into the pie pan or they would end up marching straight into the trash. So, I began peeling and pitting and cutting into pieces.  I mixed the pie dough.  I threw the dry ingredients/seasonings for the filling together and promptly ran out of steam.
I realized I was not going to want to stay up until 2 in the morning rolling out the dough, baking the pie and then waiting for it to cool a couple of hours before I tossed it in the fridge.

So, I coated the peaches with the lemon juice the recipe called for and put it all away until I got home Tuesday night.  I raced home and pulled everything out of the fridge and started rolling out the dough.  I gently settled the bottom crust into my new white ruffled ceramic pie pan.   Then I turned my attention to the peaches, there was quite a bit of liquid at the bottom and I wavered.  Do I include all the tasty juices or drain them off a bit? . . .  I went with using every last drop of that liquid gold.  It just looked too delicious to waste.  (Might be the first mistake . . .  I think sitting a day after I cut them up caused way too much liquid to drain out.  Had I finished it the same day, I don't think I would have had that issue.) I stirred the sugars, cinnamon, nutmeg and tapioca starch into the peaches and slipped them into the pan.  I rolled out the top crust and then used my pie dough leaf cutout to make a "faux" lattice like top and plopped it on my pie and crimped the edges a bit and then sprinkled a little sugar over the top and tossed it into the oven.

In my haste to be able to bite into some scrumptious peach pie I missed the part of her instructions that tell you to turn the heat down after 20 mins!  (Ooops . . . my 2nd mistake!)  I was just wayyyyyy too impatient to try to get it ready for a taste test ASAP! I checked on it after about 40-45 mins and the crust was getting overdone already, so I took it out and it looked pretty liquidy, but I was still hoping the tapioca starch and cooling process would work their magic and thicken it up a bit.  And, it did, but there was just a smidge too much liquid even after all that.  (Not complaining, it is delish!  :)

By, the time it had cooled, it was quite late, and I didn't want to cut into it until I had taken a picture of it for posterity!  See, I do think about y'all!  ;)  So, I popped it into the fridge and went to bed. Then I raced home tonight to finally get my reward.  I even forgot to stop to run a couple of very important errands I was supposed to take care of tonight.  (I hope I still have a couple of friends left . . . :)  I did, however, manage to refrain just long enough to snap just a couple pics.

But, I'm afraid it was worth letting my friends down a bit.  Oh, my goodness, holy-moly guacamole, I S.W.E.A.R. the heavens opened up and the angels began to sing.  Good golly, miss Molly that pie was soooooo very tasty I licked the knife, the spoon (used to scoop up the extra juice!  - it was sooooo good!), the fork, the plate and then went in for seconds.  New knife, new fork, new spoon . . . . all also licked clean . . . ahhhhhhhhhh!  I know I should share it, but . . well, it's THAT good.  It is mine, all mine!  (Ok, full disclosure . . . I am going to take a couple of pieces to above mentioned friends as a peace offering for not taking care of business as I should have tonight . . .) But, that's it.  The rest is mine, all mine!  Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha . . . 




:(    Oh, my . . . I think I am a full-fledged addict now.  I am fighting going in there and devouring the whole rest of the pie even though I am totally full.  (Note to self . . . must get padlock for fridge . . . oh, and . . . ermmmm . . . perhaps not tell everyone so publicly what a little piggy I can be . . .)

Got peaches?  Make this pie!  But, if you start having uncontrollable cravings for more and more and more . . . don't blame me!  It's all Deb's fault . . .  (Deb . . . are you listening? :)


  1. Our peach tree is loaded but are still rock hard. I was worried what to do with our tree's bounty when they ripen at the same time and your pie recipe showed up. I cannot wait to try the pie. You made it sound so decadent.


    1. Dennis,

      You'd better put in a security system to keep me outta your peach tree! When are they gonna be ready? You know how dangerous we addicts can be! ;) Seriously, if you have tooo many and need to get rid of a few . . . . :)

  2. Oh my you have won my heart...I adore pies and I really thing Peach is my reminds me of my grandma...another good one to try is apricot.
    Thank you for your sweet comments and have a happy weekend. xoxo

    1. I like pies as well! I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite, but this truly was excellent! I can HIGHLY recommend it! :D Thanks for dropping by! I hope you have a great weekend, too! ! ! :)

  3. Oh my. Pies are my fav of the dessert family! This looks delicious. I just may have to grab some peaches tomorrow. I was stopping in to thank you for the birthday wish! xo Jami

    1. Jami, if you get a chance, you have to try Deb's recipe! It really is delish! I'm heading out for more peaches myself! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Mmmm... looks good.
    Thank you for your nice comment. You are so kind.
    Hugs Stina

  5. Thanks, Stina! . . . and you're very welcome! :)

  6. I just can't get enough of peaches this year! I've thought about baking a pie or two. :)
    I will check out her blog it's fun to get into a little trouble now and again.
    I hope your enjoying your summer so far Sherrill.
    Have a lovely week,
    Hugs Rosemary...xoxo

    1. Me neither, Rosemary! My farmer's market isn't helping me fight my addiction either! They keep putting them at prices I can't resist! I think I ended up with 8-9 pounds of peaches today! There might be another pie in my future! :) I hope you try her recipe! It is truly delish! ! !

  7. Oh, my goodness, Dear! This looks just amazing...beyond amazing! So happy to have found your lovely blog, and am now following!

    1. Welcome, Anne! I am happy to have you follow along! You should try her recipe. It truly is amazing! It helps to have perfectly ripe, juicy, delicious yummy peaches, but this truly turned out absolutely perfect! Wish I could have shared it with everyone!

  8. Hi, again, dear! (And thank you so much for visiting and following me!) Yes, indeed, they are made of okra (with polymer) if you get a chance, click on the highlighted "O'Kringles" and it should take you to my tutorial! (Or just put O'Kringles in the search box) ~ this peach pie is making me want one SO badly!! Every October we go to a big Civil War Reenactment in Columbus, Kentucky (my husband's family has had a "sutlery" for years, where they sell the uniforms, etc,. that the re-enactors use) anyway, there is a local man there that sells the most amazing fried pies..."Granny's Fried Pies", and the peach is just to die for!! I get it every year (okay, I get more than one every year...LOL)...and I am imagining this to taste the same way!

  9. Hello again, Anne! I will have to go check out those tutorials! My brother used to participate in some Civil War reenactments out here (California)! I never got a chance to go, but would have liked to! Perhaps one of these days I will get to one! Eat one of those pies for me, too! ;)

  10. Sherrill sweetie have you given up posting?
    I can't find your email anywhere. Thank you always for the lovely comments you leave. I play around with stuff all the time and it's quite a compliment to know you like what I do.
    I miss your beautiful photography so I hope all is well with you.
    Hugs Rosemary...xoxo

  11. Mmmmmm.:-)

    Thank you for telling me about the blog. I think I had to take it away.:-) Hugs

  12. I love the way you write, and you always pay me the nicest compliments you get who I am so well. Thank you for that!
    So when will I see a new post? I miss your photography.
    Hugs Rosemary...xoxo
