Sunday, July 13, 2014

Daniel Merriam

Tonight I had the honor and privilege of meeting and shaking the hand one of the nicest people and one of the most fantastic artists.  I bought one of his prints a little over a year ago along with his book, Taking Reality by Surprise.  I brought the book with me tonight hoping I might be able to get him to sign it for me.  And he did. Yay!

We even chatted for some time about his work and I was surprised at how many paintings he puts out a year, which he currently estimates at about 30 or so.  I thought that was a lot, but he said previously he probably put out 40-60 a year.  That just seems like a lot, roughly 1 a week on average!  I would love a chance to be able to sit and watch him work.  He was so kind to spend so much time chatting with me, I really enjoyed it.

Le Petit Trianon
I have watched some of the online videos of him working and I found them fascinating, but of course, they are speeded up, so it is a bit of a distorted way of watching him work.

Flying Dreams
The print I bought last year was Le Petit Trianon and I still enjoy examining every single detail in it.  From the tiny little glass of red wine in the upstairs window to the veining in the butterflies wings to the tiniest architectural detail.  Every single item has the most intricate and delicate details.  I love the colors in it.  His coloration is superb.  The gradations are done so gradually, so smoothly and so seamlessly they almost appear airbrushed.  The original is huge, something like 4 feet by 8 feet.  My print is half that size.

When I look at the copy in the book with a magnifying glass it appears 3D.  I just love it.  

Madame Blanche
They have had others in the gallery I really like, Madame Blanche, High Altitude (really love this one, too) and Lake House.  He has a couple of new ones that I really like as well, the Falconess and Flying Dreams, both of which are calling my name . . . LOUDLY!  :)  He hasn't made any prints of Flying Dreams yet, but I hope he does someday.

High Altitude
Here are a few links if you would like to explore his work a bit further.  If you have a gallery in your area who represents him, I hope you get a chance to stop in and see his work in person.  I think you would really enjoy them!

Lake House
Daniel Merriam's Website

Daniel Merriam's Facebook Page

Exclusive Gallery's Webpage

AFA Gallery New York Webpage

I really like this one, as well. . . Ok, it seems I like all of his work, really well!  What a magical world he lives in!

Built on Dreams Alone


  1. WOW, my Dear...he is fabulous!! Will definitely be checking out more of his work...I may be inspired to do some scenes in the "hair" or on top of the heads...of some of my little characters! How enchanting!
    Thank you!

    1. His work is so inspirational! I can't wait to see what you do as a result of being inspired by his work! I'll be watching!

      I can't wait to visit more tea parties! Yours was so fun! One day I'll join in on Vanessa's tea parties and Halloween fun, but for now, I am having a good time just visiting everyone else! :)

  2. And I meant to add, thank you so much for stopping by my Mad Tea Party! I had such fun with it!

  3. Wow what a wonderful artist! I love his work. Thank you for visiting me the other day and congratulating me on my grandson.

  4. Hi, Koralee! Thanks for dropping by! I love his work, too! I love dropping by your place! You always have such uplifting posts!

  5. Oh what an lovely artist! I just love Madam Blance....
    Take care!

  6. Hi, Titti! Thanks for dropping by and leaving such a nice comment! Yes, Madame Blanche is one of my favorites also! :)

  7. What a wonderful opportunity you had to meet your favourite artist! Surely 60 paintings in a year isn't possible??! - Particularly ones with such minute details...what an amazing man. Niki x

    1. Hi, Niki! How lovely of you to drop by! I was amazed to hear how productive he was, but he said it came at a price. He would sometimes work 36 hours or more at a time without sleep! I believe that was before he married and had children! :)

  8. Maybe his wife and children have saved his life! ;-))

  9. His work is wonderful to look at and Ihave to is he!: )) Great you had the opportunity to meet him.
    Fox. : )

    1. LOL! I would have to agree! Extremely talented and handsome! ;)

  10. Hi Willow, I was so pleased that you found me on the blog hop! Your blog is just beautiful and full of very interesting stories. I will visit again when I have more time. Loved seeing this guy's amazing artwork - how great that you got to meet him and get your book signed!

  11. Thanks, Wendy! And I appreciate that you stopped by for a visit and left such a nice comment! I'm going to be spending more time exploring your site as well!

  12. Hi my Dear!!!
    How much time has been passing for last time.
    Thank you for having shared with us the knowledge of this interesting and original artist. I have neglected for too much time my blog....but soon I will return to write and I hope that to it will do you pleasure to come to find them to me.
    Your blog is always wonderful .Hugs

    1. Ciao, Anna! Come stai? Non ho postato piu di tanto! It has been a very long time! I look forward to your next post! I'll be sure to visit! :)

  13. Thank you again for visiting me at the Halloween Party, my Dear!
    Have a wonderful week, and a Happy Halloween!

  14. Happy New Year Wiillow! And many thanks for all your comnents and encouragement. You have been so wonderfully supportive of my crazy-long tatting projects! Fox xxoo : )

    1. Fox, it is always a pleasure to stop by your blog to see what you got up to! Besides, every now and then I get to see a pic of that handsome little man who allows you to share his home! ;)

  15. Aloha Willow,

    Incredible artist .. what a gift! May I suggest your gift of admiration and recognition is also incredible .. selfless, and inspirational. That you have taken the time to introduce this excellent artist to us tells me everything I need to know about your incredible, selfless, and inspirational character. Wishing you great Health, Happiness, and Prosperity in 2015.

    Mahalo et Merci,
    Bill Facker

    1. Aloha and mahalo, Bill! Very nice words! Thank you! I wish you the same for the coming year!

  16. En arribar a aquest dia, no puc deixar de pensar en la infantesa, aquells moments plens de màgia, que tots hem viscut en la nostra infància

    Feliç Nit de Reis ♕ ♕ ♕

    ✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
    . . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿ . . .
    ……...…♥ •.¸.•´♥…………… (^‿^)✿ petons

  17. Rosemary, those scones sound delicious! Fortunately, compared with the weather in your neck of the woods, we are practically balmy! We are still running around sans sweaters and jackets!

  18. Hi, Rosemary! I haven't meant to be away from blogging for so long, but I've had my hands full with all the work that is finally getting done around here. Hopefully, I'll start seeing the end of the major part of the list soon and get back here. But, it probably will be a little longer before that happens! I do appreciate your visits and would like to give you something new to look at! :) But, I do try to at least pay visits to all my favorite people!

  19. SO fabulous!! I, too, love his work! Thank you so much for visiting me, too, my more cicadas in my hair, since! ;)

  20. Hi again!

    Had to drop a line to tell you how your comments never fail to make me smile... and Gian to positively preen! Thank you. Your support has meant a lot to me. : ) Fox xxooxx

  21. Hi Willow!

    I heartily agree to my comment above. Love to read your visits and Mr. G especially appreciates your fine comment left today on tat-ology. He does like to be noticed...

    Have a very happy, creative, satisfying and healthy 2016!
    Fox : )

  22. What marvelously, delicious, confections, of artwork! They are divine!
    Are you participating in the Mad Tea Party? Awww...
    Please come stop by my blog for a taste of Wonderland Madness!
    Teresa in California

    1. Hi, Teresa! Thanks for dropping by! One of these days I'm going to get squared away and geared up to participate in one of Vanessa's parties! Everyone out does themselves and they are so much fun! I'm working my way through all the parties, so I'll be stopping by yours very, very soon! :)

  23. Where are you? Talent is precious .. time passes by so quickly .. just sayin' :-)

    Bill Facker
    Kauai to Paris

  24. Such a great post! A lot of thanks for sharing.
