Sunday, July 13, 2014

Daniel Merriam

Tonight I had the honor and privilege of meeting and shaking the hand one of the nicest people and one of the most fantastic artists.  I bought one of his prints a little over a year ago along with his book, Taking Reality by Surprise.  I brought the book with me tonight hoping I might be able to get him to sign it for me.  And he did. Yay!

We even chatted for some time about his work and I was surprised at how many paintings he puts out a year, which he currently estimates at about 30 or so.  I thought that was a lot, but he said previously he probably put out 40-60 a year.  That just seems like a lot, roughly 1 a week on average!  I would love a chance to be able to sit and watch him work.  He was so kind to spend so much time chatting with me, I really enjoyed it.

Le Petit Trianon
I have watched some of the online videos of him working and I found them fascinating, but of course, they are speeded up, so it is a bit of a distorted way of watching him work.

Flying Dreams
The print I bought last year was Le Petit Trianon and I still enjoy examining every single detail in it.  From the tiny little glass of red wine in the upstairs window to the veining in the butterflies wings to the tiniest architectural detail.  Every single item has the most intricate and delicate details.  I love the colors in it.  His coloration is superb.  The gradations are done so gradually, so smoothly and so seamlessly they almost appear airbrushed.  The original is huge, something like 4 feet by 8 feet.  My print is half that size.

When I look at the copy in the book with a magnifying glass it appears 3D.  I just love it.  

Madame Blanche
They have had others in the gallery I really like, Madame Blanche, High Altitude (really love this one, too) and Lake House.  He has a couple of new ones that I really like as well, the Falconess and Flying Dreams, both of which are calling my name . . . LOUDLY!  :)  He hasn't made any prints of Flying Dreams yet, but I hope he does someday.

High Altitude
Here are a few links if you would like to explore his work a bit further.  If you have a gallery in your area who represents him, I hope you get a chance to stop in and see his work in person.  I think you would really enjoy them!

Lake House
Daniel Merriam's Website

Daniel Merriam's Facebook Page

Exclusive Gallery's Webpage

AFA Gallery New York Webpage

I really like this one, as well. . . Ok, it seems I like all of his work, really well!  What a magical world he lives in!

Built on Dreams Alone

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm still having fun decorating my new shelving (I know, I know . . . I should be FIXING the shelving . . . :)  But, I'm being lazy!  However, please know, I WILL fix them "one of these days"  . . . eventually!  :)  Perhaps when the newness of being able to have spots to decorate wear off!  ;)

I should also get in gear to get the rest of the house taken care of!  I have a very long list of things I want to get done!  (I'm sure I'm not alone in this!)

I will also start getting better at hiding the ugly cords . . . a little ribbon perhaps?  Maybe tiny dabs of museum putty to hold it against the wall also . . . so it is not just hanging there?

The 4 white pillar candles are electric and I have them and the string lights on a timer so when I get home at night I am greeted with this cheery red glow to welcome me home!  Trust me, it really is red-ish!  ;)

I wish I had better lighting to capture it a bit better!  Perhaps one of these days I will also get around to getting a new camera as well!  My lists are getting longer and longer!

But, for now . . . this is what I have to work with!

I bought this mirror a while back for about $10, I think.  It was black and had different hooks on it when I got it.  It's very heavy.  I threw some white paint on it, but I didn't do a very good job and I'm not entirely happy with the hooks I put on it.  I'm thinking about sanding it down a bit and putting another coat of white paint on it to tidy it up a bit more and, hopefully, get rid of the brush marks!  I am also keeping my eye out for other hooks.

I will also have to try to figure out how to photograph mirrors!  I don't know where those strange white tic-tac-toe stripes were coming from in the photo up above the one above here!

In other news . . . the raccoons are back and using the top of my shed as their latrine!  GROSS!  I will have to amend their names a bit to also include Shed Mucker-Upper.  I am wracking my brain on how to stop them this time.  I have a couple of ideas, but they are probably going to look very bad.  Very, very bad.  :(  But, I am going to have to try something!  Shotguns and electrical "stimulation" are apparently out of the question!  ;)  Darn firearms laws and animal rights!  (Before you get upset with me . . . please know I am joking!  Refer to my initial posts on the raccoons!  But, I am getting VERY frustrated!)  I guess this is just their way at getting back at me for keeping them out of my pond . . . for now.  I'm sure they are hard at work googling and researching how to get around my blocks.  I can just picture them doing it . . . sniggering at me the WHOLE time!

If it didn't embarrass me so much, I'd show you the solution to them tearing up my pond!  But, you can see a peek at it here.  I have another idea on that one that would look much better . . . just trying to figure out the actual logistics of how to do it!

Nothing like a little adversity to get the creative juices flowing!

Anyway, that's it for now!  Hope those of you under tons of snow are staying safe and warm!  For those of us in the drought-plagued regions, while I am loving this picture perfect weather . . . we NEED rain!  Or at least snow in the mountains!  Yeah, that would be good!  Leave the sunshine to us and put 9 feet of snow in the mountains for the skiers and snowboarders so it can melt and fill our reservoirs!  Win-win!  :)

Don't forget to grab a bite of chocolate on your way out!  The ones in the pink wrappers have a yummy raspberry filling!  I'll try not to swat your hand away from my favorite!  Happy Valentine's Day! ! !