Friday, October 21, 2011

Beautiful Critters

This will be my final trip post.  I saved all the pretty little critters I came across for last.  

No lions, or tigers or bears (oh, my!), but there were plenty of ground squirrels,

and squirrels.  This little guy was a real ham - when I first tried to get his pic, the batteries in my camera had to be changed.  When I set my stuff down to get the batteries out, he must have thought I was getting ready to feed him, so he came running over and started trying to chew on my stuff.  But, once I got my new batteries in, he obligingly ran back to his post for his close up, but since he didn't get a treat, kept his back to me at first.  It took a while for him to kind of forgive me and sort of turn back again.  You can see he still looks a little bit grumpy with me.

There were mountain goats out for their daily stroll along the highway.  There were 3 or 4 of them in the road, but it was causing a bit of a traffic jam, so I was trying to get a picture as I was trying to keep moving . . . I didn't want someone to start getting impatient and honking their horns and scare the goats! She looks like she is smiling for her close up!  Don't you think?  A little Mona Lisa smile?

I went where the deer,

and the antelope play . . .

And I saw even more antelope,

and elk . . .

and more and more elk.  As I mentioned in one of my previous posts here, at one of the stops in the mountains, you could hear the elk calls echoing through the peaks.  It was really quite nice.  Wish I had them on tape!  Sure beats the constant calls from the freeway I hear around here!  ;)

There were some friendly ravens . . .

and wild cats . . . . oh, wait!  How in the world did Moosie get in there? ? ?    ;)

Well, that's it from my trip!  I've got a little garden update planned for next time!  I hope you'll stop back by and have a little taste with me!  ;)  See ya later!


  1. Well now, daughter, my Moosie could be considered a wild animal at times! She looks so peaceful there....but......Dean has a few souvenirs on his hands and arms where she wasn't so peaceful!!!
    Your posts are great from your trip back home here, wish it could have been longer but we will see you again someday.
    And the squirrel DOES look mad at you!!!
    Going for a ride today and will take some pictures with the new camera you got me for my Mom

  2. Nice finish to a wonderful armchair trip with you through the wilds of the west. Moosie looks rather happy you had returned. Are you going to cook any of your garden delights?


  3. Not Moosie, mom! She wouldn't do that! Dean must have been harrassing some OTHER little kitten and just blaming pooooor little Moosie! :) It would be nice to take a longer vacation and have more time to visit! You'll have to share some of the pics you take!

    Dennis, glad you enjoyed the trip with me! Moosie was pretty relaxed in that pic! We kept snapping them and she didn't even seem to notice we were around! I have cooked the sugar pie pumpkins, the patty pan squash and the zucchini (and sharing with everyone who would take them!) - they were all very good! The Charentais melons (like a small - extremely sweet cantaloupe) and Moon and Stars watermelon were SOOOOOOOOO good! Sweetest melons I have ever had! I am trying to talk my sister into sending me some of her sweet potatoes for me to grow next year . . . they were THE best taters I have ever eaten! :)

  4. I loved the pic of Moosie, think he may have even been the STAR! attraction here. I love to visit your SpecialPlace and take my time reading. Thank you always and for coming over to my place for a visit. Take Care SpecialK

  5. SpecialK, thanks for dropping by and leaving your SpecialComment! Moosie is pretty darn cute!
